Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Reincarnation of my Blog.

Yesterday, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. A part of me knew that it was the reason for my medical issues, but I never quite realized how perfect a packaging this diagnosis is for all of the random problems I seem to have. And as a new, young traveler of this path, I want to share this journey with those of you who also share this path, or know someone who is walking this path. I hope that my experiences, coping strategies, and methods for overcoming this disease will be helpful to my audience. I will still keep posting the crafts I make, though as you may have noticed, it's seldom a steady stream of items. I am currently working on a lovely scarf for my boyfriend, and will post it when it is complete. In the mean time, thank you for following my blog. I am always open to suggestions if you have any. I hope this becomes a haven for those with chronic pain and fatigue issues so that we can help one another overcome. You are not alone.